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A Grassroots Non-Profit Organization

Dedicated to Quality Long-Term Care in Ohio

Support Elderly Advocates Donate Today!

Updated 1.12.2020. 9.7.23 feel the same!

OUR MISSION is dedicated to improving the overall quality of life for the elderly and all residing in long-term care through education, support & advocacy.

OUR VISION is to build a strong, citizen-based organization run by caring volunteers in Ohio that partners with other like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to quality care for those in long-term care. What originated with a few individuals who saw residents in nursing homes asking for help and struggling day to day with the poor quality of life and care given to them, has now become a growing advocacy organization that seeks to be a voice for all those facing their last years in nursing homes and other long-term care faclities. These aging elders many times referred to as “our forgotten ones.” We are dedicated to seeing our aging population thrive to the best of their ability and having opporuntiy for the quality of life they deserve as anyone else living outside a nursing home can have access to, that includes even a haircut. Our vision is to also provide supportive services to the families feeling frustrated and hopeless in obtaining the care they so desperately want to see thier loved ones receive. Through peer support, empowering familes with information and resources, networking with others, families will be empowed when making decions they suddenly face in a world of long-term care that they often know little about. Our organization’s vision is to find the path to long-term faclities being able to provide the higher level of care needed and nursing homes viewed as a place of help and comfort to the residents and families. We desire to see that those in long-term care facilities are treated with respect, maintain their dignity and receive the long-term care they deserve.

OUR ORGANIZATION is composed of family members and caretakers, citizens who sympathize with our cause, business professionals and community partners. We also have many families and caretakers who have lost loved ones and believe unacceptable care played a part in bad outcomes, even death.  This is a place for them to help make needed changes happen and help others. This issue has high chances of touching and affecting most through their family members or themselves later.

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